

Tonight, as the ageing preacher-man prepares to meander down into the darkly-curtained realms of sleep, he knows he has just a few more rounds of prayer to go and then he will find his way to a room where his wife is already softly breathing under the warmth and...

Sweet Defiance

 On the screen a man in a dark suit and shiny tie stands in front of a gigantic digital image of a swimming pool. His voice is clear and easy to follow as he relates the latest achievements of Australian athletes at the London summer olympics where the summer is not...

Number Twenty One

In a street of warm sunshine and thundering semi-trailers carrying smelly sheep, is a house numbered twenty one. It has a little rose garden, a red iron roof and a bull-nose verandah, which blends easily into its neighbourhood of well kept sandstone cottages, well-cut...

A Tale of Two Women

The writer wandering through crowds is suddenly happy for he sees a lumpy profile of stainless steel and girls in black aprons and knows that he has found a secret chamber of invisibility. He orders a drink, takes a seat and opens his notebook. Coffee and writing is...


The alarm is beeping and the sleeper rolls over and pushes the button to off. It’s cold and dark. ‘This is wrong,’ he thinks. ‘No one should ever have to get up on a day like this.’ The chill of a black winter morning is not the only...