In a family there are some things that are pure, sweet moments: like a nice cuppa, making a fuss over a birthday, going out for brekky or dinner, or even playing a board game and there's always a competitor for that moment. The delicate bit is knowing when to postpone it and which competitors must be yielded to. Four days ago for example, my daughter and I had planned an early morning swim but I got carried away that night getting an introductory lecture session 'just right' because I knew I would not be seeing the class again for a month and they could not afford to be launched into this subject (leadership) on as bad a foundation as their predecessors in 2008—sorry old class if you're reading this. So, it was a long night and we put it off. But then there was another late night session, which meant more postponements. Then yesterday morning we finally got our swim and it was wonderful and there will surely be many more!