
The Lovely Mess: Part III

‘I couldn’t wait for the end of year footy trips to Hawaii and Bali, as I enjoyed the excitement of picking up girls and rushing back to tell the boys what had happened. I had sex pretty much as often as I liked; for a guy my age I was living the dream.’ Jason Stevens...

The Lovely Mess: Part II

I’m sitting on floorboards with an eager-eyed group of children around me. We’re in the middle of the story of Samson (from the Old Testament7). Some of the boys in the audience are rapt, other children look incredulous, and others a bit wary. What on earth is Mister...


On a green hill we joined our son With a princess Around flames of burning/turning bright night. Warm hearts on cold nights We all need as the years go And the tears. Will they remember? Will they take this? Wedlocked! Warm drink body/flesh And let it be one/done ‘As...

The Gambler

Watched The Gambler1 the other day. It’s an act of treason beyond all reason. He’s not a gambler he’s a suicide looking for a way. So he rolls the dice, ‘All on black’ he says. ‘All.’ He’s a funeral, a burial waiting to...